FUTURE SCOPE _ with/without astrological headings - Written Tanya Obreza/edited Eric BissI year for John Major detailing transits of outer planetsJun 3 through Jul 31, Exact on Jun 19, Jul 14Considering yourself both invincible and indestructible, you're now likely to place unrealistic expectations on yourself. If you promise more than you can deliver, then squandered energy could result in disappointment and total exhaustion. In trying to achieve too much too fast, your relentless efforts and lack of diplomacy may also cause conflicts with others. You may now try to restructure your life - but again may find yourself fighting against limiting restrictions or obstacles. This urge to rebuild..or start a new phase in your life...could manifest through your inner self and personality - or you may actually find yourself involved in tangible rebuilding of a property or community scheme. Either way, this will be a time for regenerative expansion.Personal and love relationships could also find themselves in the firing line - you could become the victim of a misunderstanding or someone you love and trust could now be trying to take advantage in some way. Or this insincere and manipulative behaviour may originate from you, being aimed and fired towards unsuspecting loved ones.Beware becoming involved in dubious financial schemes. Legal matters may cause worry and headaches.Aug 3 through Aug 21, Exact on Aug 13This should be a happy, cheerful and peaceful period in your life with friendships playing an even more import role in your everyday affairs. In particular, there is likely to be more contact with women...with a friend, wife, or even business partner bringing more comfort and stability into your life.If a friend asks you for help...then don't hesitate doing what you can for them. In time to come this favour (and many more) will be returned with the same love and support that you, yourself, gave.You may find yourself dealing with the public much more than usual during this time...but be confident because the outcome will be extremely successful.Expect some contact from abroad...especially from friends and family living overseas. They may even surprise you with a visit or a phone call.Finances and cash flow should finally look more prosperous.Aug 16 through Aug 30, Exact on Aug 24Conflict in love relationships could arise through jealousy and possessiveness. One of you will want more emotional freedom than the other is prepared to give. You could also become the victim of an emotional misunderstanding...or covert manipulation within a relationship could cause problems.It's a pity to allow negative emotions to overrule more positive, loving and unselfish feelings...as now you're capable of giving all that you have to those that you love the most. Look beyond your own needs.Financially, this could be an extremely extravagant period. Beware overspending on luxury items which will end up gathering dust in a forgotten drawer. If you can't resist spending money, then carefully considered business investments entered into now will prove more beneficial in the long run. This combination of Jupiter and Venus often suggests a love of self indulgence, good food and fast living. If your body easily gains weight...then now is the time to make the effort to substitute food and drink high in calorie levels...with food high in energy levels. Aug 24 through Sep 20, Exact on Sep 6Being more willing to consider your partner's point of view and feelings, a practical, no-nonsense attitude to love and romance will ensure that any personal differences between should now be satisfactorily resolved. This is a time when the head will rule the heart...and not the other way around as is usually the case! Professional and career success is likely through hard work and patience. This is an excellent time to negotiate contracts and agreements, as no detail will be overlooked and you'll be willing to contribute more personal effort and time into any project.In fact, this could seem quite a fortunate time - when plans, ideas and opportunities seemingly appear from nowhere. But if you think back over the past few years..you'll realise that these welcome rewards are the result of previous hard work and efforts. Because of your increased imagination and creativity, this is also a time to participate in more artistic pursuits.Business contacts could develop into romance...one of you could possibly be much older than the other. Either way...this new lover will probably have a stabilising and maturing effect on your life - guiding you through previously unexplored territories. Sep 3 through Oct 2, Exact on Sep 16This may not be one of the easiest times of your life. Your confidence may be easily shattered, and self inflicted feelings of self doubt could create problems where there are none. In other words, you could go looking for trouble - and worrying about events and possibilities that haven't even happened. However, you could be creating a "Catch 22" situation. By actually worrying too much, you could create anxiety attacks and problems which should never have existed in the first place. Whatever you started seven years ago - may now be put to the test. This could affect any area of your life - your job, personal relationships, business or family life. Whatever the case, you'll now be devoting much more time to deep soul searching thought - questioning the direction and value of your life. In some cases, drastic changes will need to be made.However, you may find that obstacles are put in your path. You'll either decide to jump these hurdles - or lay low until your strength and confidence returns...which should be after this transit has passed.Avoid making business or property related decisions around now, as you may find problems with the legal side of the transaction. You may also have problems with parents, or older people in authority - either in your personal or business life.Sep 11 through Oct 13, Exact on Sep 25This is a time when you'll become much more involved in the daily routine of home life. It's time to take more control of your family life. Just for now, professional responsibilities will need to take a back seat to more pressing personal matters.Family finances may now be under review - and because of your clarity and precision of thought, this would be an excellent time to plan home financial budgets.Feeling more self-disciplined, objective and emotionally controlled, this would be a good time to talk any problems or complications through with loved ones. Logical, sensible solutions should now ease long standing domestic tensions.New friendships may be formed with older individuals...or you may have more contact than usual with parents or other older members of your family. Your mother may be of particular help and support to you now. A problematical issue from the past may now be resolved.Sep 27 through Oct 7, Exact on Oct 2During this period you really won't take no for an answer! However, avoid being narrow-minded...you can't be right all the time, and certainly don't allow your sense of self-importance to become over-inflated.Being self assertive is one thing, but at times over-confidence can seem rather arrogant and opinionated to others. Unfortunately, lacking both tact and moderation, this is a time when you could really put your foot in it! Slow down a little...both in thought and action.Beware extravagance in all financial, business and career matters. Avoid exaggeration and don't promise more than you can deliver..and don't become involved in shady business deals which are just slightly on the wrong side of the law. This would certainly not be the best time to fight any legal battles.You could have problems with people in authority during this time
- taking orders and instructions could prove somewhat difficult as you will be under the impression that you know better. Your behaviour could even become somewhat threatening.Anything to do with foreigners..foreign places or travel could be somewhat precarious during this time - so avoid taking foolish risks. If on holiday, then don't, for example, go for a moonlight stroll through the seedy end of a foreign town. Stay in safe and well lit areas. Sep 28 through Oct 8, Exact on Oct 3This could be an extremely lucky, easy going and pleasant period of your life. It's also a time of learning..a time when life's lessons and knowledge can be absorbed more easily. Life should now flow very easily and much can be accomplished with very little effort.Positive thought will bring positive action. This is an excellent time to make long term plans for the future, as your mental and emotional outlook will be well balanced, lucid and surprisingly objective. Travel is also likely.It would be an excellent opportunity to mix a little business with pleasure - as all financial and business negotiations should also proceed smoothly and lucratively. Many lucky breaks could open new paths of opportunity - but it will be up to you to take those first bold, brave steps in the right direction. Some would consider this period extremely lucky. But quite often luck is self-made. After all...for example...in order to win a competition..you must enter it! In order to gain promotion...you must earn it! Luck is more often than not...taking the initiative - before someone else beats you to it!Enters on Nov 3Friendship will be of particular importance to you now, and you'll become more involved in social or group activities. Working in a team effort would now benefit you more than trying to go it alone. You need to be surrounded by people so that you can learn more about yourself through them. Friends will be more supportive than usual, and could bring you luck in some way. Generosity towards friends will increase - perhaps surprising them with small gifts, throwing a party...or simply by being there with a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. Dec 7 through Dec 16, Exact on Dec 11This is a time when very little will anger or irritate you; even if something goes wrong, you'll be philosophical and be able to put it into perspective. You may even decide to call a truce with previously held grudges.Good fortune may also smile upon you...perhaps through some legal matter or speculative investment...so if a financial bonus does come you way - enjoy it!Help and support may come from established and respectable sources...possibly from older people..or from your parents or people in some kind of authority. Legal, insurance and tax matters should also proceed smoothly.This is a time of learning...a time when lessons and knowledge can be absorbed more easily. Life will flow more easily - and much can be accomplished with seemingly very little effort.But don't just sit back and expect opportunities to just "drop into your lap". You must be prepared to both look for...and create...new opportunities for yourself. Dec 10 through Dec 19, Exact on Dec 14You'll instinctively know how to communicate your thoughts and emotions during this time. Because of your air of confidence, honesty and sincerity - others will trust your words and plans - they'll assume that you're in total control of your actions...and you probably will be! This will be an excellent time to make long term plans for the future.It's also good news time! You're likely to hear or receive some kind of news around now which should lift your spirits. This could be in any area of your life...romance, career, business or health. This is certainly a time to take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, especially if they involve travel. If travel isn't possible at the moment...then you could still hear or receive news from someone overseas or abroad...someone you haven't heard from in quite some time.Taking up some kind of new study or retraining programme could also work to your advantage. Be brave enough to take a bold step forward towards a new path or direction. Any decisions made now should work to your benefit..even if you don't immediately reap instant rewards. Dec 12 through Dec 21, Exact on Dec 16The temptation to break free of certain restrictions and responsibilities will be difficult to resist. Craving adventure, excitement...or just simply something new...in your life - you could now make a dash for freedom. The only problem, however, is that you may throw the baby out with the bath water. By all means...rid yourself of any unnecessary restrictions and burdens - but also make sure that you hold onto anything that's useful and productive.However, in your haste to break free...this could prove to be a period of extravagance, self indulgence and empty promises. You could become involved with unreliable people who may temporarily lead you astray...or your own restless and impulsive behaviour may disrupt the lives of others. If a personal relationship has become either stale or too demanding...either yourself or your partner may now want out.Avoid the temptation to take on more than you can handle. Don't become involved in grand, over-inflated plans and schemes which, deep down, you know just won't work. Be careful that you don't let others down by promising more than you can deliver. Unstable finances could also cause problems and lead to conflicts.Dec 5 through Jan 1This is a time when you'll become much more involved in the daily routine of home life. It's time to take more control of your family life. Just for now, professional responsibilities will need to take a back seat to more pressing personal matters.Family finances may now be under review - and because of your clarity and precision of thought, this would be an excellent time to plan home financial budgets.Feeling more self-disciplined, objective and emotionally controlled, this would be a good time to talk any problems or complications through with loved ones. Logical, sensible solutions should now ease long standing domestic tensions.New friendships may be formed with older individuals...or you may have more contact than usual with parents or other older members of your family. Your mother may be of particular help and support to you now. A problematical issue from the past may now be resolved.Dec 16 through Jan 1This may not be one of the easiest times of your life. Your confidence may be easily shattered, and self inflicted feelings of self doubt could create problems where there are none. In other words, you could go looking for trouble - and worrying about events and possibilities that haven't even happened. However, you could be creating a "Catch 22" situation. By actually worrying too much, you could create anxiety attacks and problems which should never have existed in the first place. Whatever you started seven years ago - may now be put to the test. This could affect any area of your life - your job, personal relationships, business or family life. Whatever the case, you'll now be devoting much more time to deep soul searching thought - questioning the direction and value of your life. In some cases, drastic changes will need to be made.However, you may find that obstacles are put in your path. You'll either decide to jump these hurdles - or lay low until your strength and confidence returns...which should be after this transit has passed.Avoid making business or property related decisions around now, as you may find problems with the legal side of the transaction. You may also have problems with parents, or older people in authority - either in your personal or business life. Dec 28 through Jan 1Feeling restless, daring and extremely receptive to new ideas, you'll now be looking to do something completely different....you'll now be looking to completely change your life in some way. Freedom and a sense of independence will be of utmost importance to you...so there'll be the temptation to break free of any restrictions - be they personal or professional - which are seemingly holding you back and keeping you stuck in a rut.Many of you will now be too confident, ambitious and just too restless to just sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you! So...if you are willing to get the very best out of life and create new chances, changes and opportunities for yourself - then you should now expect even more success..rewards and riches. Follow your instincts. As long as you don't tread on other people's toes climbing up the ladder of success...this is a time when you really can't go wrong.This is certainly a time to take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, especially if they involve travel. If travel isn't possible at the moment...then you could still hear or receive news from someone overseas or abroad...someone you haven't heard from in quite some time.Dec 27 through Jan 1Being more willing to consider your partner's point of view and feelings, a practical, no-nonsense attitude to love and romance will ensure that any personal differences between should now be satisfactorily resolved. This is a time when the head will rule the heart...and not the other way around as is usually the case! Professional and career success is likely through hard work and patience. This is an excellent time to negotiate contracts and agreements, as no detail will be overlooked and you'll be willing to contribute more personal effort and time into any project.In fact, this could seem quite a fortunate time - when plans, ideas and opportunities seemingly appear from nowhere. But if you think back over the past few years..you'll realise that these welcome rewards are the result of previous hard work and efforts. Because of your increased imagination and creativity, this is also a time to participate in more artistic pursuits.Business contacts could develop into romance...one of you could possibly be much older than the other. Either way...this new lover will probably have a stabilising and maturing effect on your life - guiding you through previously unexplored territories. Jan 1 through May 10, Exact on Feb 14, Mar 22New friends and acquaintances could bring tremendous change into your life at the moment. Or, in some way, you'll find yourself re-shaping and influencing the lives of others.The winds of change will be rapidly sweeping through your life during this time, and within a few shorts weeks the transformation could be astonishing! You could now choose to completely alter your lifestyle...or appearance. A change of personal image is common during this Pluto transit.The intensity and power of your emotions will equally astonish you. Now the floodgates have been opened, they'll release previously imprisoned feelings of breathtaking powerful love, passion, warmth, excitement and friendship. Any friendship or love affair started during this time could prove enduring, stable and a major influence on you for the rest of your life.You're likely to be much more independent, confident and self reliant now...with ambition and a sense of enterprise enabling you to take bold steps forward. Logic and intuition will be well balanced, creating a greater self-understanding of your own motives and goals in life.Jan 23 through Apr 14Practical, common sense combined with clear, logical thought should enable you to make organised, positive and constructive plans for the future. Having planned all the intricate pieces of your life, and then slotted them in a rational order, you'll be able to see the whole picture of what's ahead - rather like completing a jigsaw in your mind.As your mind will be so intuitively sharp,..and capable of tremendously deep intellectual and spiritual understanding, this would also be an excellent time to involve yourself in any form of research or investigation...possibly involving metaphysical subjects. Not content with superficial answers to questions, you'll delve deeply in order to unearth and understand the truth. you may now come across some secret information previously hidden from you. In any case, the answers that you find may completely change your attitudes to life and way of thinking.This is certainly a time to take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, especially if they involve travel. A new friend encountered on your journey could change your life. If travel isn't possible at the moment, then you could still hear or receive news from someone overseas or abroad - someone you haven't heard from in quite some time. Feb 26 through Mar 9Both personal and business relationships will be subject to change during this time - but the more flexible you can be..the better. One of you within the relationship may be feeling jumpy and edgy...and is either demanding too much control or is going to the other extreme and not pulling their weight. Inevitably, this could create arguments and conflicts as the other partner will feel put upon and hard done by. If changes are to be introduced into the partnership, then they must be done by mutual agreement.You'll be riding an emotional see-saw during this period - up one minute...and down the next. Just go with the flow...don't live in the past...learn to adjust with the changes that are happening all around you - and look to the future. However, it will be hard to resist the temptation to just break away and run for freedom, hoping to leave behind all problems and responsibilities.Increased frenetic activity and too much pressure to make important decisions too quickly could lead to raw and frazzled nerves. Beware "overloading" the system, as increased tension and strain will now be felt more acutely. Mar 2 through Mar 19, Exact on Mar 11This would be an excellent time to start anything new. Feeling restless, adventurous and extremely receptive to new ideas, you'll now be looking to do something completely different - and whatever you do start during this time should turn out well. Business deals should be particularly profitable around now.In fact...financially, this could prove to be an extremely successful and lucrative time in your life. Feeling confident that you have the Midas touch...you'll be more than willing to take a few calculated risks. Just one word of warning...do make sure that any risks that you do take have first been properly considered. Think carefully and wisely before making major financial commitments.Taking up some kind of new study or retraining programme could also work to your advantage. Be brave enough to take a bold step forward towards a new path or direction. Any decisions made now should work to your benefit...even if you don't immediately see and reap the rewards - they will eventually come.As you'll also be feeling so loving towards friends, lovers and family...why not consider taking a holiday around now...with someone you love? Or, if you can't get away...maybe the holiday will come to you. You may have surprise visitors from abroad..perhaps even family that you haven't seen for a long time!Mar 6 through Apr 27This should be a period of steady growth...especially in all business, legal and financial matters. Also, recognising that you're likely to need the support and co-operation of friends and colleagues, you'll win their trust and confidence through honest, fair dealings. Not feeling threatened, they will help you along the path of success.With energy levels, enthusiasm and self confidence running high - there's very little that will get you down or stand in your way as you diligently strive towards reaching definite goals and ambitions. You know exactly what you want...and intend to get it! For now, split second decisions can be made accurately and quickly...and with excellent timing - there'll be no dithering. Success will create more motivation...and that in turn will bring more success! But don't just sit back and expect opportunities to just "drop into your lap". You must be prepared to both look for...and create...new opportunities for yourself. Physical strength and health should also improve around this time.Apr 7 through Jun 3During this time your tremendous restless mental energy and curiosity will make you look in different and unusual directions for experiences which are new to you. Without this constant stimulation, boredom would quickly set in. Your reactions will be like quicksilver, and very little will escape your attention.You're likely to receive unexpected news, or be the bearer of unexpected communication which could totally surprise others.Travel is likely, either abroad or short distance trips that you would not normally take. There may also be the opportunity to take up new study or training, although your concentration may be poor.You will probably form new friendships with people who can expand your horizons and satiate your need for mental debate and intellectual discussion. There's also likely to be more contact with brothers, sisters and close friends.As you'll be open to new ideas and experience, your mind will be flexible, and more willing to accept and listen to other people's points of view. During this time, intuition and instinct will play a larger role in decision making than practical, logical thought.Mar 17 through Jun 25Spiritual and religious matter will be of greater importance than usual. You'll now go out of your way to research and find meaningful answers to life's most perplexing questions. Your attitude, goals and ambitions could now dramatically change - with a strong leaning towards a more humanitarian and altruistic outlook.You'll be more prepared to listen to your intuition - taking heed of the important messages being sent by your inner voice. A greater interest may now also be developed in the esoteric sciences, religions and astrology.Being fair minded in all your judgements, others will now come to you for advice, comfort and support. You may be called upon to act as a mediator and help resolve long standing conflicts. Willing to help others less fortunate than yourself, you could also become involved in charity or voluntary work. It won't be enough to just give money - you'll now want to give of yourself as well.Jun 14 through Jul 3, Exact on Jun 23This is not a time to make wild, unfounded accusations..as they're likely to backfire. Your unpredictable and erratic behaviour will certainly baffle others. Be extremely careful in how you express yourself...as misunderstandings and confusion could now lead to chaos. Important decisions should therefore be temporarily postponed until emotional stability is restored.Feeling as if you're being pulled in opposite directions - there's a certain amount of tension and confusion in your mind as to what to do next. You won't know whether it's time to push yourself forward into the spotlight...or to keep your head down..and well out of the firing line. One minute you could be feeling elated, full of confidence and on top of the world...and then within no time at all you find yourself sinking to the depths of depression. Try to find a comfortable middle ground until these disruptive planetary influences fade away.Restlessness may disrupt personal relationships. Patience will be needed. Don't rush plans or ideas...and don't force others to accept your point of view against their will. Be more prepared to compromise and to take other people's feelings into consideration...and they'll be more prepared to give much needed encouragement and support. Jun 17 through Jul 8, Exact on Jun 27This should prove an extremely pleasant, easy going and possibly even lucky period in your life. It's time to just sit back and enjoy all of life's pleasures that come your way!However, many of you may now be too confident, ambitious and just too restless to just sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you! So...if you are willing to get the very best out of life and create new chances, changes and opportunities for yourself - then you should now expect even more success..rewards and riches. Follow your instincts. As long as you don't tread on other people's toes climbing up the ladder of success...this is a time when you really can't go wrong. Travel could be linked with work - so you could find yourself mixing business with pleasure!Financially, this could prove to be an extremely successful and lucrative time. Feeling confident that you have the Midas touch you'll be willing to take a few calculated risks. Just make sure that they have been properly considered before rushing headlong into making major financial commitments.But one word of warning - do watch your weight...especially if you choose the former option of just sitting back and enjoying life. Relaxing holidays taken now will probably be extremely pleasant, lazy and laid back - but extra pounds gained devouring all that wonderful food will take months and months to shed. Be warned!